Sunday, October 09, 2005


"The saints are the primary object of the foreordination of God; or, in other words, God foreordains that men should be saints. It is only inference that one could say that He has also foreordained godlessness for some persons--an inference altogether unwarranted. The will of God seeks man for redemption, for sonship, for His glory; and nowhere in Scripture does it say that God's will is to drive men away from Him. He foreordains to inclusion, not exclusion. It is not His will that any shall be lost. He 'is longsuffering...not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance' (II Peter 3:9). Jesus himself expressed the reason for man's destruction in explaining the case of those killed by the fall of the Tower of Siloam: 'Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish' (Luke 13:5). Man, not God, wills his own destruction.

"The foreordination of God does not interfere with the will of man. The wisdom of God in this regard is seen in Christ (8-9), who was the revelation of God--God in man. In Him we see love, and pleading, and self-giving, and prayers--even for His murderers. But at the same time there is freedom of choice for all. 'He saved others [that is what He came to do]; himself He cannot save' (Matt. 27:42)--when men choose to kill Him. Men themselves choose for or against the will of God."

This is a quote from Exploring the New Testament discussing the beginning of Paul's teaching in the book of Ephesians. I have never quite understood the verses on foreordination; always thinking it contradictory to our freedom of choice. I've heard this topic discussed many times, but it has never been made so clear to me. It now makes perfect sense to me. What are some of your thoughts? On this passage? On foreordination? On freedom of choice? Let me know. This stuff really interests me and I'd love to hear what you have to say. much love becky

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