Monday, January 23, 2006

Old Testament Homework

I just got done reading Numbers for my OT class. Nothing new and exciting popped out to me while reading. Mainly because I was not looking for anything. I just wanted to get the reading done. Anywho, now I'm reading the portion in our textbook, Encountering the Old Testament, which deals with the book of Numbers. Something did pop out to me in this reading.

"Mount Sinai, with it's constant reminders of God's presence, was never intended to be the final destination for God's people. There come a time to break camp, head out into the world, claim God's promises, and fulfill His calling."

How many times do we come to places in our lives where God's presence is undeniable and decide to get comfortable, assuming this must be it? God has more in store for us than we could ever imagine. We must be obedient and break camp when it's time. Just a little thought. much love becky

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