Monday, November 28, 2005

Toilet Paper In My Eye

No that is not a metaphor for some deep thought I had. I actually got toilet paper (which for the rest of this blog will be known as TP) in my eye. Here is what happened.
I am cheap so i always use TP to blow my nose in. Except when I have a really bad cold or something and then I get kleenex with lotion it, but that is beside the point. The night of the incident I was using TP. Anyway, I ripped off a rather large piece and as I brought it up to my nose the end of it hit my eye. Naturally i blinked. What happened next still boggles my mind. My eyelid cut the TP when I blinked. Crazy right? Thats what I thought, but nonetheless I then had a piece of TP in my eye. It hurt. I tried to get Becky to pull it out, but she was afraid she would scratch my eye. I appreciated her concern. So I had to do the job myself. My first thought was to leave it. It took about 2 seconds to realize that wouldn't work because it felt like i had a piece of fiberglass in my eye. It itched. So I held my eyelid down and after half-a-dozen tries i got it out.
So that is my dumb exciting story for the week.

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