Tuesday, November 22, 2005


You guessed it. I am going to be discussing my motivation as of late--or better yet, my lack thereof. I have been one of the laziest, least motivated people lately. There is no excuse. No punches thrown by life which have plunged me to this state. I just have no motivation. My life consists of going to class in the morning and coming home around noon each day. I have my weekly events scattered throughout the evenings which include computer applications on Mondays, House at Carruthers' on Tuesdays, D-Groups on Wednesdays, and Encounter on Sundays. But those days, from noon to whenever I leave for the evening, I sit around drooling in pathetic (to steal a quote from Cory on Boy Meets World). Yes, we have been getting more involved, and yes we are spending more and more time with people, but this has not helped. If anything, I feel as if I have been plummeting the last few weeks. This lack of motivation is not good. Even my school work has been getting pushed aside to play Mah Jong Solitaire or scatter airsoft BBs all over our apartment. No, I'm not anywhere near falling behind, but I'm far enough ahead to where picking up a book does not appeal to me. School work is not really my biggest issue; that would be left to my walk with Christ. That is the area that has been suffering the most due to my lack of motivation. Where is my walk? It has been growing faint and is barely visible at this point. The only Bible I read is what is assigned for class. The only prayer done is that in class and chapel along with a few of my own throughout the day. I have this passion for Christ inside, but it seems to have gotten lost in the shuffles of everyday life. I do want to know Christ more and have a deeper relationship with Him, but something's been missing. I don't know what it is. I feel like I'm rambling. Maybe I am. God is good. I love Him with all my heart. I am excited for the opportunities He is going to provide for Jeff and me in ministry. I am excited for what He is going to do in my own life. So why am I so reluctant to move forward? I'm just as stumped as you are. much love becky


  1. Hey girl, I am stunned that no one left you a post for this post. Honesty is an amazing thing and I know you like I know my own smell. Ha ha, had to get that movie quote in from the 3 Amigos. Your honesty is great and there are more times that not I am here in my own walk and have thought of titling one called, I AM GOD's BIGGEST DORK. Be encouraged, stay the course, will be praying for you, God know's your heart. ALL great comebacks we like to use in CHristiandom, but in our guts we need more than just words. I pray for you and me and everyone else that reads this, that God would move in a mighty way in use this next week. Love ya and keep livin life, lovin Jeff and remembrin the swartys

  2. Hey man. Good word. thanks for that. Always love to hear your thoughts. Keep 'em comin. Livin' life, lovin' Jeff, and remembrin' the Swartys always, Becky
