Monday, April 26, 2010

The Pursuit of Rightness

Why do we always feel the need to be right? Why are we so afraid of questions? Of asking questions and exploring responses without necessarily having to come up with the one correct answer? I think this is something just about every human struggles with, but the “we” I am specifically referring to is Christians. We have this insatiable drive to have the one correct answer to every question asked of us. Sometimes our response should be “I don’t know.” Sometimes our response should be there are many possible answers. But, rather than admitting to this, we typically feel the need to join one side of the debate…and argue that side of the debate to no end. Whether it’s environmental issues, Arminian vs Calvinist, women in ministry, homosexuality, young vs old earth, liberal vs conservative, war…and the list goes on and on...and on. I’m not saying it is wrong to have opinions on these matters. I know I do…some stronger than others. What I am questioning is our seemingly incurable complex to be right about everything.

This is something I have been thinking a lot about lately. What I have written above is just a brief introduction to the many thoughts I have been having regarding this thing I am calling the pursuit of rightness. Many times when I write on here, it is merely quickly thrown together, incoherent thoughts. This time, I am trying to put something together that is a little easier understand. This means I actually need to take some time to think through this and organize my thoughts in a way that can be clearly communicated. So here's the deal...I am going to be writing my thoughts on this matter in segments. The above is a brief introduction on more to come. As I figure out how to clearly communicate other thoughts surrounding this idea, I will write more.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Almost There

Along with our internship, we are required to take a directive course to bump us up to full time status. Yesterday, I turned in my final assignment for that course. We have less than four weeks left on our internship. While I am going to miss the people at Northgate, I cannot wait to be done with school. Only a few more journals, reflection papers, etc to go before I can finally say I'm done. The past 5 months have flown by. We're still not sure what's next for us, but I am just glad school is almost completed! FINALLY!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I keep wanting to write on here...really, I do. The problem is...I am trying to be responsible...which means I write my journals, reflection papers, etc before moving onto this here blog. However, by the time I am finished writing these things, the last thing I want to do is write more. O the rough life of a North American college student...

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

"I'm Not a Reader" Challenge

Just within the last two or three years, Jeff and I have started reading for enjoyment. I never thought the day would come when I would rather pick up a book then turn on the TV, but that day has come, and thankfully it has stayed. I cannot begin to explain the new world of thought we have entered into since we have begun this love for reading. I never thought reading could impact my life so much. To those who say, "I'm not a reader"...I challenge that notion. Stretch yourself to pick up a book...or read some blogs...I think you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find. It is not just about the experience of reading...but about the ideas presented which will challenge the way you think. Whether those challenges solidify your current belief system or open new doors to new ways of thinking...reading will benefit you.

Right now, I am taking a brief break from A New Kind of Christianity by Brian McLaren to write this blog. He is one author who has challenged my thinking like no other. So there's my thought for the day...back to my book...

Saturday, April 03, 2010

New Look

Well, now that I have a slightly new look to this thing, I thought maybe I should write a little something. Who knows, maybe this new look will keep me coming back to keep you updated on our lives...because I know you want to know everything about us...we are just that cool :)

We are about six weeks from finishing up our internship. While we are excited to finally be done with school, we will be sad to leave the people at Northgate. They have been great to us and we have developed some amazing friendships. Some of the things we have recently done with the church...

Jeff had the chance to preach on March 14th. He shared what God's been teaching him about the story of the Rich Young Ruler. He did an amazing job. I'm very proud of him :)

A few weeks ago, I did a special night at youth group on poverty. It was a time for students to interact with different material on poverty, justice, and God's heart for the poor and broken in the world.

We spent spring break on a work trip with the youth group. The week consisted of trimming hedges and rose bushes, chopping down ivy, clearing out blackberry bushes, and a whole lot of fun stuff like that. I had the opportnity to share with the teens about what breaks God's heart. At the end of the week, they decided to start a blanket drive for the homeless in Salem It was cool to see the teens get excited about putting their faith into action.

This am the church hosted a community Easter Egg Hunt at the Salvation Army Kroc Center. Around 400 people showed up despite the rain and cold. It was fun to see all the little kids get excited about their candy.

Other than church activities, this is what we have been up to...

My sister and her husband moved back from New Zealand at the end of February, but will soon be moving down to Medford. We've have been spending as much time as possible hanging out with them while they're so close. It has been great having my sister around :)

About two months ago, we discovered this great little coffee house called IKE Box. We go there a few times a week and spend hours doing homework and reading. Through this we have met some great people who live in community and have started a house church...reconciliation. This is something Jeff and I would like to do in the future so it has been great to see how they do things.

Our friends, Mark and Jess, taught us how to play Settlers of Catan. We can't get enough. Besides getting together to play Settlers, we also had the opportunity to check out a Leonard Sweet seminar with them. He had a lot of good stuff to say and definitely made me think.

Sorry so brief on everything, but now that you're all updated as to the happenings of the Poes, more in depth posts shall follow. I'm all blogged out for now so have a great day everyone. much love