Sunday, January 04, 2009

And We're Back

Break kept us busy, that is for sure. The first part of break went as planned. A few delayed flights, but we were only 2 1/2 hours late to Minneapolis...not nearly as bad as last year. Jeff worked on his truck in Austin while I spent some time with my friend Raquel in Blaine. I got the flu the first day there, so I spent most of my time there trying to get over that. Everything with the truck went great until the morning Jeff was supposed to come up. It was a minor thing that only set him back a few hours, but that was enough time for a big storm to come in which delayed our trip to my parents'. It also kept us from making the trip down to Oklahoma as we had planned. He was able to make it up the next evening. We went out to Chili's which has become a tradition whenever we see Raquel. The next day we headed north to Warroad and spent Christmas there. The we went back down to Morris to spend some time with Jeff's family. Because of another storm coming in, we left there a bit early and crashed at Raquel's parents' house in Madison. We left the next day to head back to Sussex. We took our time getting back, stopping in Youngstown one night and spending New Year's Eve just outside of Boston. That was our trip...exciting I know. it was nice to be able to see so many different people, even if we did only get to see everyone a few days at most.

We start our last semester of classes tomorrow. That is such an exciting thought. I can't believe we will be done with classes in less than four months. It's also a bit nerve wracking as we have yet to finalize our internship placememnt. We've talked with a few people, but everything is up in the air. Any suggestions? haha. Something will work out. That's it for now. Have a great day! much love

This is what we get for waiting until right before we left to take pictures...

My spoiled little Kobe

Dad reading the Christmas story before opening presents
Jeff digging into his stocking
My mom and I right before we left
Us with Jeff's parents right before we left

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