Thursday, December 11, 2008

Crazy Christmas Break

I know I look like a blogging machine right now...however, I thought I would give some updates while our internet is actually cooperating. Not to mention, I really do not want to study for my Church History final.

My last final is today and Jeff's is tomorrow. After that, our Christmas break officially begins, but we will still be in NB for a few days. We are going to Kari and Andy's wedding on Saturday. Jeff wanted to stay around for the staff Christmas party this year, so we are not flying out until Tuesday. Be will be driving down to Boston with the newlyweds. They will be spending their honeymoon there and driving our car back to NB, and we are flying out of Boston to go to Minnesota. For the first few days we are in Minnesota, Jeff will be on the farm, finishing up his truck (hopefully). I will be staying in the Cities with our friend, Raquel. That weekend Jeff will pick me up and we will head north to my parents' where we will be staying through Christmas. On the 26th we will drive down to Morris to see some of Jeff's family (including his parents who will be up). That we be a very short visit because we are then driving down to Oklahoma. We will spend a few days visiting Jeff's grandparents in Oklahoma before driving back to NB.

It is going to be a crazy break. We probably won't get as much rest as we are used to, but hopefully we will get some. The best part about all of this is that when we get back, we will be starting our LAST semester of classes. That is such an exciting thought. Have a great day everyone. much love

1 comment:

  1. well crud, we will just miss one another in the mix of it all. be there in minny on the 25th weather permitting for sure. have a great time and if it works to hello a bit, let us know. adios
