Saturday, March 24, 2007

Plus Fifty

Just thought I'd keep you all updated on Kobe's scoring frenzy. Last night he scored 50 to extend his streak to four games. Wilt Chamberlain is the only other player to have accomplished this. That is incredible. And with the fourth 50+ game came another Lakers win. The Lakers next game is tomorrow, and if it happens again, I will be sure to write about it again.

Oregon also plays tomorrow. They have made it to the Elite Eight. Let's hope they beat Florida and make it to the Final Four. While I would much rather it be Oregon State playing this well, I'm just glad I can cheer on an Oregon team during the tournament. Have a great day everyone. much love

1 comment:

  1. K this is crazy, let's get a fresh blog on here pronto, I know you think you are busy, but we gots to have some new info on the poes.
