Thursday, February 14, 2008

More On Nevis

It's getting close to that time...only two more weeks. We've been learning a lot more about what sort of ministry we will be doing there. In fact, we are planning all the programming for everything. During the late afternoon/early evening on Sunday-Wednesday, we will be leading a VBS for kids. It's only about 1 hour and 30 minutes each evening. One of those nights I will be leading the Bible story. That should be fun. Challenging, but fun. Also, on Wednesday night after VBS we will be leading a Youth Rally on the island. I'm really looking forward to this. It should be a good time as we bring in our ideas, and they show us some of their culture through this event. All the schools in Nevis have devotions every morning. We have the privilege of leading these on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. It is pretty much a 10-15 minute sermon in front of all the students. This should also be a very good experience.It has been a bit stressful as we have been trying to learn what we can about their culture while planning all of these events. Not to mention still having the rest of our coarse loads to deal with. As stressful as it has been at times, out team is really looking froward to this experience. Not only will we have the opportunity for a lot of ministry experience, but we also have plenty of time in out schedule for exploring the island and getting to know the people and the culture. Continue to pray that God does amazing things on this trip. Hvae a great day everyone. much love

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