Tuesday, February 21, 2006


God is so great and so good. It's 2:15 and we just got home from chapel. For those of you who don't find this odd, chapel is scheduled from 10-11. After the closing prayer, Natasha Erskine got up and spoke what the Holy Spirit had layed upon her heart. At first I was like "O come on", but I thank God for her obedience. The next three hours were spent in prayer. This was the number one priority as classes were excused and lunch was skipped. God moved and is moving on this campus. Bethany Bible College, as a whole, has been spiritually dead. It's no secret that many of us have put on our good Christian masks and have just been living. Not anymore. God is moving. He worked in such a powerful way the last four hours. I don't know, there may still be people in the chapel praying and if there is, sweet. I truly believe that this wasn't just an experience. Lives were changed today. I expect to see a great revival on campus, spreading to the churches we attend, and the town of Sussex. This is for real. Hearts were broken. Relationships were mended. Unity in Christ filled that small chapel. I'm stoked to see where God is going to lead individuals and this campus. It is a sweet thing to be a part of. Praise God for obedient servants like Natasha and for all those who have been diligently praying to see the revival take place. Please be praying for our campus, that we don't go back to our routine, placing other stuff above Christ. Please be praying for me, that I don't go back to my old routine. Have a great day everyone. much love becky


  1. Chapel was amazing. So much happenend there, so many old wounds, fears, struggles, and everything else was laid bare before the Father. A lot of healing will come out of this service. It was so refreshing. God certainly has good things in store for this campus.

  2. Hey there very cool to hear. There is something great about moments like that and i will be thinking a lot about you guys in the midst of this. HOpe your week is a great one.
