I just thought I would share with you all what I have been learning lately. It goes along with my last post about chapel. God really used that time to refocus me on Him. Being focused on ministry and Bible classes is all good, but that can even become an idol if Jesus is not our focus. Because of my new found focus, God has been able to reveal to me why I have felt so spiritually dead lately. I now see that He has been trying to reveal this, but I couldn't see it because I wasn't focused on Him.
A couple weekends ago we went to Halifax for the Hillside Rally. While there, Jeff and I had a good talk with Matt Kieth who was on his final weekend of his internship with the youth group. We talked about spiritual gluttony. So many times Christians are being fed a lot (which is great) but we never give. We never pour out what is being poured into us. We think singing songs, hearing messages, and Bible study should fulfill our spiritual needs. But, as important as those things are, sharing our faith and being there for others is just as important. If we don't share what we are taking in, then we become spiritual gluttons.
I had become a spiritual glutton. Yes, I'm helping out in the youth group, but I don't open myself up to others. I don't continually share what God has done and is doing in my life. I haven't been reaching out to others in love. I've been soaking up all this knowledge and thinking about how I'm going to apply it to my future ministry, when I need to be applying it now. Spiritual gluttony is a disease that I don't want anymore. Do you?
Just something to think about. Have a great day. much love becky