Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Biggest Loser

I have a friend on campus who is obsessed with the show "The Biggest Loser." Her obsession has led her to start a BBC Biggest Loser Challenge. It is for all girls who want to either lose weight or just get in shape. There are probably close to thirty girls who are taking part in this challenge. Each of us has a partner who we weigh in with and who keeps us accountable to eating healthy and regular exercise. This has been really good for our campus. We just started week 2 of the 6 week challenge. Each of us is putting in $5, and the winner will get a gift certificate to Pure Indulgence which is a salon in town. I'll let you know what happens. much love

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Because of my Global Minor I have to take a Cross Cultural ministry course this semester. In other words, I get to go on a missions trip over spring break (and write some papers and read some books). Not too long before break, I found out we are going to Nevis which is an island in the Caribbean. I am VERY excited about this. Not only do I get to spend spring break on a Caribbean Island, but I also get to minister to children and teens. The whole teens part makes this pretty much the perfect missions trip for me. I'm super excited to see what God has in store for us. However, I am also just a bit nervous. I have never been on cross cultural missions trip before (only missions I've ever done was in Chicago). I need to raise prayer and financial support which is also something I do not have a whole lot of experience in. Please be praying for me in this. Also be praying that God uses our group to do amazing things in Nevis. Thanks! much love

Check out this site for more pictures and info about Nevis.

Back in Time

Ok, not really, but here are just a few pictures from some events around BBC before we left for break. They are of my d-group Christmas party, Christmas Banquet, and Open Dorms. Enjoy. much love

Ok, not really, but here are just a few pictures from some events around BBC before we left for break. They are of my d-group Christmas party, Christmas Banquet, and Open Dorms. Enjoy. much love

Christmas Break

Christmas break was much needed for us this year. Besides the traveling part of our trip, it was a very relaxing time. Tickets out of Boston were the cheapest we could find so we drove the 8 hours there for our flight. Our friend Chyan from back home in Oregon came with us to Boston. The day we were suppose to fly out was right after the HUGE storm that hit Boston. We were delayed for something like 12 hours, missed our flight in Milwaukee, and decided to rent a car to drive from Milwaukee to St. Paul. Good times. When we finally got to Minnesota, we spent just over two weeks there. The majority of our time was spent with my parents (and dogs) in Warroad, but we did get down to Morris for a couple of days to see some of Jeff's family, and a day in the cities with some of my family. We did a lot of lounging around, eating, and watching football and movies. Good times indeed. We also did a bit of ice fishing on Lake of the Woods, Jeff enjoyed his new snow shoes, and we had quite a bit of family time. I know it doesn't sound all too exciting, but it was a marvelous break. Enjoy the pictures. much love

Us and Chizan waiting in the airport

Why we were waiting...

My cute puppy Kobe

Mo Mos!

Kobe and Mo helping to open one of their presents

Jeff all decked out in his new Christmas presents

Jeff, me, and dad warming up in the truck after ice fishing

Diane successfully defending her title in the annual Heppner ping pong tournament

Mommy and Daddy

Last meal together at my mom's work

Coming Soon

I finally decided to update this thing, but I guess I caught my internet at a bad time. But do not worry, a new post will be coming soon...very very soon. much love